The uses of jammers are many and diverse. Initially, drone jammers were originally developed by authorities mainly for military purposes. The effectiveness of any military operation will depend heavily on the secrecy of the vehicle’s position. Like a cloak, the device helps the military with privacy, better security, and many benefits in areas that have high risks.

Some motorists that are notorious or illegal in the general public may employ these drone jammers to avoid being caught by the authorities in a bid to evade paying penalties. Car stealing or mileage costs may be avoided by using GPS jammer devices. In the corporate world, a driver may use GPS jammer devices to keep their employer in the dark about where they’re taking the corporate car.

Is the use of Drone jammers permitted?

In several nations, including developed nations like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, using GPS jammer devices is not allowed. The law prohibited the sale, distribution, and use of jammers for drones and locations in the United States of America. A similar law works in Canada and is widely prohibited in Canada, ranging from its importation, production, distribution, and sale of any form of jammers under the Radiocommunication Act.

Going against any of these laws is a serious offense accompanied by fines,  for instance:

  • Paying a punishment fine of around $100,000 in the United States is
  • Getting jailed
  • Equipment theft

What is the effect of Drone jammers on the transport sector?

GPS jammer devices are an annoyance and a source of worry for law enforcement and the transportation sector. GPS vehicle tracking often referred to as telematics, is a crucial source of business data for many organizations. Jamming interferes with this essential data source. Tracking and managing fuel usage, lazy workers, bad drivers, state of a car engines, and other activities is done by fleets via telematics.

It is unlawful to use jammer devices, but it is also possible to be injured or even killed by them. By using a GPS jamming device at Newark Liberty International Airport, a New Jersey truck driver was fined almost $32,000 by the FCC. The truck driver had employed a jamming device to hide his whereabouts from his boss. An FCC investigator used radio monitoring equipment to identify the jammer and show that the driver was the culprit responsible for the disturbance.

How to detect Drone jamming

Fleets can limit the negative consequences and protect their drivers from going under the radar by using All deal drone jammers. The Trips History map will display a missing or interrupted journey if a GPS signal is not received.

During a journey, if a GPS jammer is detected, a straight line will be shown from the time the jammer is activated until it is switched off. Anyone watching the car will instantly notice this and be able to find out what happened to the vehicle’s travel data. There are additional possibilities besides GPS jamming for losing GPS data, such as a malfunctioning radio.

Set up notifications for Drone interference

Using Alldeal drone jammers users may create a Log Data & Collisions report and specify it to be delivered only when at least one event is identified. As soon as a complaint of GPS jamming is received, a follow-up inquiry is prompted.

Even if a GPS jammer interrupts the GPS receiver’s operation, all other functions remain unaffected. The Alldeal drone jammers gadget will continue to collect and deliver important vehicle-related data, such as engine data, error codes, and auxiliary devices, even if the GPS link is lost.


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